Welcome to Ellie’s Legacy Animal Foundation in Portland Maine
Whether you are visiting our website in anticipation of adopting a dog, hoping to help save a dog’s life by offering to foster, looking to make a donation to aid our cause, or would like to help in some other way, we are glad you are here! Please join us and become a part of the Ellie’s Legacy Animal Foundation family!
The bond between a dog and a human is like no other, however there is something extra special about the relationship between a human and a dog who has been rescued. For a dog who has never before known safety or love, it is forever life-altering. What the human receives in return is, well, you may have to jump in and experience it yourself!
We guarantee it will be equally life-altering for you, and talk about joy….for both of you!

Please explore our website to learn more about who we are as an organization, where our dogs come from, the process of fostering or adopting, and how you can get involved.
passionate. resilient. diligent.
Why Rescue From Texas
Imagine not being able to go to work, to the supermarket, or out to dinner without seeing a homeless, stray dog in need of help. This is the way it is in many parts of Texas. The city of Houston, alone, is estimated to have 1 million stray dogs. Shelters are overflowing with unwanted dogs, animal cruelty frequently goes unreported, and animal welfare laws are often not enforced. Countless ‘owned’ dogs in Texas (most often not spayed and neutered) roam free or live their entire lives on chains, many never receiving routine preventative medical care such as vaccinations and anti-flea, tick, and heartworm medications. As a result, incidence of life threatening tick-borne and heartworm diseases are high, as are significant skin issues such as parasitic mange and vaccine-preventable diseases like Distemper and Parvovirus. In certain parts of Texas, many people do not believe in spaying and neutering, so the strays and owned dogs alike wander around together constantly producing new and unwanted dog lives.
When the owners are overwhelmed with litter after litter of puppies, they are often dumped on the side of the road or out in the ‘country’, left to fend for themselves, be run over by cars, eaten by wildlife, or are ‘lucky’ enough to survive, continuing the cycle of reproduction, starvation, and suffering. The volume of unwanted dogs overwhelms the shelter systems such that, depending on the shelter, dogs are often only allowed several days before their status is reviewed for possible euthanasia. Many rural shelters lack funding, have no foot traffic for possible adoption, and do not advertise the dogs online, leaving those animals with no possible chance of survival.
Yes, these things really happen. Daily. We focus on Texas, but it happens in many other places, too. Part of our mission is to bring awareness here in New England about pet overpopulation and the plight of the unwanted dog.

Adopt A Pet

Make a Donation

Our Mission
What We Do

Finding Pets a Home
Our primary goal is to place the dogs we rescue into a home where they will be forever loved and cared for as members of the family. We work hard to find our dogs homes with people who are the best possible matches and who will provide safety, love, and all necessary care for the lifetime of the animal.

Medical Treatment
Before you bring your dog home, he/she will have been to the veterinarian, received all core vaccinations, and tick-borne, heartworm, and fecal testing . The dog will also be microchipped. Many of the dogs that we rescue are in need of extra medical treatment, and we address these needs in Texas before they travel to Maine. We often take on some of the more complicated medical and surgical cases (sick and injured dogs….our first 2 rescue dogs had a broken leg and a broken back) in the hopes of turning the lives of these very deserving dogs around. On-going medical care may be needed depending on the history of your new friend. We will fully disclose medical history and any existing conditions they have. After they get to Maine, what most of these dogs need is just a safe forever home and someone who loves and cares for them.
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